Finally the weather conditions were right. Our phone call came at 4.55am and we were on the road at 5.05am. We got to Melbourne at 6.05am and met with the 'pilot', his assistant and 8 other passengers. We were driven to 'Goshes Paddock'
(Melbournians will know where I mean)
Once the balloon was set up and then 'blown up', it was time to
hop in the basket. Mmm..that was fun!!
Off we go-the cranes on the right are on the new Olympic Park stadium that is being built
a Trapeze type of thing that took 7 photos while we were up there.

There were 4 other balloons flying at the same time.
The views over Melbourne were fabulous
The MCG is in the bottom right corner of this one
There are 3 other balloons in this shot
There were 4 other balloons flying at the same time.
Who in their right mind would want to light up when they were in the hot air balloon!!!
See the reflection of our balloon in the river below
After a 70 minute flight we landed with a couple of little thuds in Yarra Bend Park Golf Course - slightly off course and putting a hole in the balloon (thanks to a tree we hit). It all added to the fun of the morning as we entertained the golfers as we landed. Once the balloon was packed up we went off in the mini bus to the Botanical Gardens cafe for a Champagne breakfast.
Alison, OMG..Wow! How fabulous! What fun that looks like.
I'm having my 400th post give-a-way..stop by and enter!
Hope you have a great day! ~Mary~ :-}
Alison, how AMAZING!!! you are a brave girl, i would have been peeing my pants...i would never have the nerve to do this...i bet it was so cool to see the views from up up and away in your balloon!!!
All I can say is that you are very BRAVE, chick! No way would I get up the nerve to fly in ANYTHING! I used to fly a lot but I told Love Bunny when we retired that was it; I ain't flyin' anymore. Looks like ya had a good time though, sugar.......
Hi Alison!
What an amazing fun thing to do. I love to watch the big balloons flying near our home, but I don't think I have the nerve to actually go up. Loved all your pictures, what a beautiful morning it was!
Oh, I LOVE the song you have for this post! That is so cute! That sounds like a blast! Where I live I can very often see hot air balloons above us! It's such a refreshing sight to see!
Thank you for entering my giveaway! Good luck to you!
I bet it was worth the wait, it looks fabulous, and cold! So pleased you finally did it!
YAY!!! At last, how wonderful!
That's a birthday present Max will never foget.
Fantastic photos
Have a good weekend
AWESOME, Alison...this is too cool for school...I know you had a blast..I'm like Lori, tho...p'd pants for sure!!
Hi Alison,
Hooray, You finally got to have your balloon flight.
Wow, that took a while to achieve.
Love the pics.
Hi Alison,
I was away on vacation, so I missed your giveaway... boo-hoo! But these photos from your balloon ride are amazing! What awesome views and what a wonderful experience for both you and Max!
I think balloons are so beautiful, we had one land in our yard once! I have to admit I am terrified of heights, I don't think I could actually go up in one:>O
Alison, it would have been an awesome time. that sunrise was incredible. what fun.
Hi Alison,
What a magical view from way up there? Glad to hear that you had an awsome time. Your pictures are fabulous.
Hi Alison,
Thnaks for the lovely comment re my junk journal pages, wow...thats something I have always wanted to do, but as I am not a mornig person, I dont see it looked very apprehensive or just cold in the pics...xx
Wow, what a wonderful adventure. I love the photographs that took us all along with you. What a gorgeous day you had too. I love the song. You just made a gorgeous memory to carry with you forever.
I have to agree.... You are one brave soul!
I could never do that!
I am afraid of heights.
Thanks for taking us along as we had both feet on the ground.... I enjoyed the beautiful pictures!
Hello Allison,
This is a totally awesome experience!
~ Gabriela ~
Oh wow Alison! What an are a adventourous one! I dont think I could ever ever try that , but my how beautiful :)
Wow, wow, wow. What an absolutely amazing post. I just loved those pics of the hot air balloons. It looks like you had a blast! Have a wonderful weekend.
xo Cathy
Looks like an amazing ride! I just found your site. My last name is Gibbs and I have four children and a husband but no grandchildren, YET.
I LOVE mosaics too!
Hi Alison, way to go....What fun!!!
You finally made it. It's been awhile coming, but from the pictures, well worth the wait.
Beautiful country side.
Hugs Karen the music
Looks amazing, truly! But I have to tell you, my fear of heights would have kept me curled in the fetal position in a corner of the basket! LOL. But, what an awesome ride AND champagne to boot! Cool! :D
yapping cat
It does look like fun Alison and how intrepid you are too. I might be a bit scared but I am sure it is worth it to have such a magical ride in the sky, xv.
Holy heights! I would have been scared to death and probably passed out. So so beautiful. Yay to you for being far gutsier than I!
Oh Alison, you have experienced one of my life long dreams. Even as a child, I wanted to fly in a "beautiful balloon." (reference: your music)
What spectacular views, and that sunrise.....worth getting up early, yes?
Here I stand, on good old terra firma, feeling envious.
Best Wishes,
Oh How Lovely!! I'm so excited for you that you finally got to go. I would've been terrified =}
Blessings... Polly
dear looked beautiful..
what a GREAT city we live in!!
I think I would be far tooo scared to venture up in a good on you!!
whats the next adventure going to be?? sky diving perhaps!! lol..
xx andrea
Looks like a perfect Melbourne morning! What a lovely way to start a day! Tracey xx
You're my hero! Love your banner pic of the beach. Perfect summer image.
Oh, how fun!! I have always wanted to do that!
The photo of the balloon's reflection in the water is fabulous!
Thanks for sharing this!
What an adventure! I am so afraid of heights, I'm not sure I could do this. The "Up, Up, and Away" music playing in the background made me smile!
What an amazing experience and such gorgeous photos to savour the memory!! x
What an exciting adventure Alison & great photos :-)
Not in a million years would I be up in a are so cool and so brave! I wish I had the nerve. I'm so glad you took us along with you, (that would be my only chance at going up! ;)
I love the picture of the reflection over the's priceless!
everything vintage
Wow! I'm afraid of heights so I envy your bravery..
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway.
It looks so exciting but very cold and such an early start. I'm sure it was worth it though.
Hi Alison thanks for visiting my blog. How exciting for you the views look gorgeous. You'd never get me up there in a zillion years. Take care Carol
Oh wow! What a dream!
Oh, that looks like SO much fun! I have been wanting to take a hot air balloon ride for years! I'll live through you....:)
Wonderful pictures.
Obsolutely gorgeous Alison! What a wonderful thing to experience!
MOG>.....holy cow...what fun! look at you go! cherry
Amazing photos Alison. Worth the wait I'm sure.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Oh my! How wonderful. I love the photo of the balloon reflecting in the water. Thank you for the sweet comments about Melody. Please drop by and read about our final gifts. xo rachel
Oh the views are beautiful !
How nice of you to take all those photos to share with us. Melbourne is a beautiful city in so many ways but from that lofty view just that little more prettier.
Yes, we are lucky in this part of the country to be able to stand on the shore and watch the whales go by, really exciting to see.
Yikes Alison~That is way up there! I don't like heights so I will enjoy the view from your blog! :) chris
Oh Alison,
I can hear the "swish" of the balloon as it rises! How lovely for you, I am so happy the weather finally allowed you to fly. Happy weekend!
Alison, I am so slow sometimes..LOL.. I did not notice you had a web site until this visit to your blog.
I love and it, it's just FABULOUS! What wonderful things you have..
Good luck
Blessings ~Mary~ :-}
Wow Alison,
How fantastic is that!!
Very impressive!
Your words, your photos and the music all gave me the chills. SO happy for you and your husband to have this wonderful opportunity. Thank you for sharing it here Alison!
Hi Alison,
OH my! What a ride you had. VERY cool photos! You are very brave to have done this. I'm not sure I could include the word "fun" in the same sentence as "hitting a tree on landing."
But truly, what an amazing and memerable ride in a hot air ballon over a beautiful city and goregous country. You lucky girl!
Patricia :o)
Hi Alison
I featured your post on my blog . sounds really romantic but hubby is actually scared of heights so I don't think I 'd be doing this trip any time soon LOL pity it looks fabulous hope you had fun!!!
Hi Alison,
That looks like so much fun!! How wonderful that they had a camera set up taking photos, while you were up in the air. I love how you paired up the music with your post, so fun!
oh wow how fantastic is that trip, great photos!! Tried to answer your email the other day but your email address bounced for some reason. Thanks for visiting my blog though, I love having you over!!
Oh how glorious!I'm so glad you had the experience! I'm sure it was well worth the wait! Lori
How absolutely fabulous! Rachaelxo
This is such a pretty post..I always wanted to go on a hot air balloon..The view looks amazing...You really got such amazing pictures...
Alison, wow how wonderful! That looks amazing! We were just saying the other day that we would like to take a balloon ride and now I want to even more. Thanks for taking us along ...
YAY!!! you FINALLY got off the ground! Our city looks so wonderful from up there doesn' it! I'll have to send my mother in law to your blog and she can see the pics - I believe she booked with the same company with my brother-in-law to go up like you did. How cool they can take pics of you all up there!
oh you were brave! The pictures are stunning! I don't think I could do it!
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