Some pale blue and brown brads.
Pretty soft pale blue feathers on brown leather – mm… an interesting combination
Thanks to everyone for checking in on Riley. He went to the Doctor again on Monday evening and his ears are clearing but he still has a bit of a cough. All in all he is doing much better.
Monday evening we had Lachlan and Chloe sleepover. In the morning I took them to school and crèche. In the afternoon I picked them up again and they had some fun making cupcakes. Mmmm….. yummy!

Yesterday morning super fit Max my hubby left home on his bike at 5.20 am to cycle the 40 something kilometres to work. At 6 am my mobile phone rings showing me Max’s mobile number. When I answered it wasn’t Max but some other guy telling me that Max had had an accident and come off his bike after coming down a steep road (Olivers Hill,Frankston) been unconscious an ambulance was called and to meet him at Frankston Hospital. His bike is wrecked, his helmet wrecked but after xrays etc he was cleared with only deep tissue bruising, grazes etc. Amazing really considereing he was doing about 60 kilometres an hour coming down that hill.The angels were certainly looking out for him yesterday morning.

This morning was another story.vomitting and dizziness had him back in hospital for neck and brain scans. Well it took us 6 hours to find out there was nothing wrong and it was just due to concussion. Oh what a few days!!!
The lovely flowers in the post below were a gift from Riley – well that’s what the card said but I think his Mummy bought them.
They were a Thank You for looking after him when he was sick. How Sweet.
Don’t forget to leave a comment on the post below to enter the giveaway
Having fun reading of your blog.
Oh my goodness, your family are in the wars. Angels definately looking over hubby and glad that sweet boys ears are better. Rachaelxo
What a phone call to receive! I'm so glad your hubby is doing well-Riley is doing well-and look at those cupcake eating smiles! xo-Mel
I received a similar one many years ago from my son. I later told him to NEVER EVER call me again with the first sentence out of his mouth being, "Mom, have the cops called you yet"! Nuuuuuuuu, they hadn't and he'd been in a motorcycle accident and they had to cut his clothes, boots off of him, sweet allison! He's fine now 20 years later, but I never let him forget it, don't ya know, sweetpea! Hah. BUT I'm thrilled that your hubs is fine; it could have be a disaster! What the heck is he cycling 25 miles to work for anyway?!!?!
Alison, thank goodness Max had his angels watching over him and that he was wearing a helmet!!! so glad he is ok:)
what a sweet pic of your two cuties enjoying their cupcakes:)
Oh how frightening! I'm happy to hear that he is OK. Concussions are no fun!
Happy blogiversary!
Oh, I'm so glad Max wasn't hurt worse! I bet you were scared to death!! I'm glad Riley is feeling better and hopefully that cough will clear up soon.
You and your family stay healthy and safe!!
I love these "little people" having cupcakes. How cute!
~ Gabriela ~
Praying for you guys..Hope all settles down SOON
take time to pamper yourself
and send cupcakes please..Deena
Oh my, take care of Max, hope he is feeling better now!
Love your blue/brown post! My new favorite color combination! I'm soon to be a new Mimi, & I'm pulling for daughter to use these colors in her nursery!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
My goodness you have had a time of it. I am so glad to hear that Riley is better. However, so sorry to read about your DH taking that bad fall. So thankful the angels were watching over him. Sending you a big hug!
I am having a giveaway and it would be an honor for me if you stopped over and left a comment if you have the time.
Blessings and prayers,
la rea rose
Glad everyone is doing o.k. now. Those little munchkins eating the cupcakes are adorable!!
Oh what a scary thing! So glad your hubby is ok. A new bike can always be purchased. And such sweeties! The cupcakes look delish!
2 cuties!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness!! I think I may have heard about Max on the morning traffic report, the main thing is he's OK, wow what a lucky escape, will he continue to ride to work? or will he not be allowed?
Glad Riley's on the mend, as for the other two scoundrels..... they look so cute, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths
take care Alison, let's hope no new dramas in the Gibbs household for awhile
I am glad everyone is okay! Jen R
Oh no, that sounds awful what has happened to Max. I bet you were in a panic when a stranger told you he was in an ambulance. I hope he is feeling better soon and I bet this hasn't deterred him from riding!
You certainly have had your share recently. Glad the little one is on the mend and will hold healing thoughts for the big guy. You got the phone call we all dread. The picture of the cupcake eaters is over the top. The looks on their sweet little faces is priceless. Take care of you in the midst of all of this. Peace and health to all.
how nerve wracking! Hope everything clears up and he is feeling right as rain soon!
Wow, how terrible, I am so sorry for you and he as well. I can't imagne what a phone call like that feels like. But I am glad he is better, and I do hope things settle down for you all soon.
Love the picture of the kids, it made me crave sugar. I am dieting and just seeing that....Yum!
Sending good wishes to you
The photo of the children eating cupcakes is fantastic. So glad hubby's wipeout didn't injure him more seriously.
Wish him well! Such a bad fall! Gosh no more sickness or injuries for any of us!!!!! Love,Lori
Oh my, hugs to you and your family. What a time you are having. It was angels...definately angels.
All I can say is that the angels must be swarming (in an angelic way) your home and loved ones, doing extra duty!
That bike is a mess!
I hope that things calm down soon and smiles are all aroound!
With kindness,
What a time you have been having! I pray all will get back to "normal" real soon. Big Hugs to, Alison!!
Look at those kids enjoying they cupcakes!Makes me want a cupcake too.
What a wonderful post,
Oh my goodness, that must have really scared you and him. I'm glad he is going to be okay.
Thank you so much for your prayers and wonderfully kind comments during this difficult time. Every word made and is making a difference as we begin this new journey.
Thank you so much for your words of comfort and blessing,
kari & kijsa
Yes the angels are hovering over your family at the moment. Hope hubby recovers soon, and glad your grandson is finally picking up.And hope you are well!
Thank goodness he was Ok, how very scary !! Plus that phone call must have scared you to death. So glad there is a happy ending and praying for a quick recovery for him. :) The kids are Adorable with their cupcakes !! That is a Frameable pic for sure !! :)
Good grief Alison! Im so glad Max is ok. Scared both your sox off i'll bet.
I hate those kind of phone calls.
The angels were definately watching him.
It's a nice thought isnt it :)
Hope Max is feeling better today.
Love the roses from Riley...gosh how clever he is to pick them out *wink*
Love Shann x
Hi Alison,
How are YOU after that scare?
Too much excitement in your house - what will be next.
I know Oliver's Hill. My dad used to live at the top of it an dwhen her was a little tacker....oh way back in the 40's, he was riding his bike down th ehill and the local bus ran him over. He had massive injuries so is not a fan of Oliver's Hill. I must tell him tomorrow about poor Max.
oh my goshhhh how scary!!! im glad he's okay..
love the shot of the kids eating cupcakes!! they are so cute :)
goodness sakes, Alison, that is so unbelivably scary. i feel so bad that you had to get a phone call like that. thankfully, all turned out well. scary, scary.
Congrats on your one year!!! Look at those cherubic faces...thanks for coming by always I mean always good to hear from you..Jennifer
oh allison I am so sorry about max's accident. I hope by now he is as good as new!
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