Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and well wishes while sweet little Riley and I were sick.
Riley has improved and after going to the doctor Tuesday night – he now has only ‘slightly infected’ ears, a cough and slight wheezing. So another course of antibiotics and ventolin only twice a day. He is so much happier now.
Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and well wishes while sweet little Riley and I were sick.
Riley has improved and after going to the doctor Tuesday night – he now has only ‘slightly infected’ ears, a cough and slight wheezing. So another course of antibiotics and ventolin only twice a day. He is so much happier now.
He is 9 months old on Saturday and already is walking around holding on to whatever is in reach.

How lucky am I to be given this award by 3 wonderful bloggers
How lucky am I to be given this award by 3 wonderful bloggers

Jennalee from Artrageous Afternoon also gave me this award on 12th July. Check out her blog full of the most wonderful vibrant artwork.
Jen from Sanctuary Arts at Home gave me the award today 17th July. Love visiting Jen's blog.
Now I can pass this lovely award to seven other people. If you have already received this award, well now you get to give it to another seven people.
The Rules Are:
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I would like to give this award to...
Sherry of If I Could Set my Soul Free
Lori of Faerie Window
Vickie of Whispers of Inspiration
Connie of Living Beautifully
Gail of Originals by Gail and Tony McCormack
Mandii of Shabby Vintage Mandii
I would like to give this award to...
Sherry of If I Could Set my Soul Free
Lori of Faerie Window
Vickie of Whispers of Inspiration
Connie of Living Beautifully
Gail of Originals by Gail and Tony McCormack
Mandii of Shabby Vintage Mandii
Cathy of Simple Things Small Joys
Shades of Inspiration
This week’s colours are pink and green.
As it is midwinter here in Australia I picked the last of the buds on my Pierre de Ronsard climbing rose before I attack it with the secateurs
I love this bowl – such pale green and pink panels.
Of course gorgeous roses too.

Thanks Alison that is so sweet of you for giving me this award... You are a sweetie...Take care C xx
What wonderful awards for you, so well deserved!
congratulations on your award Alison, and thanks so much for passing it on to me:) you are sweet...look at that darling baby go, there will be no stopping him pretty soon...i hope you have good running pink and greens are lovely!!!
I've been away and am now catching up on reading all your new posts. Wow! A lot has happened, and I'm so sorry that you and Riley haven't been well. I love all your Shades of Inspiration posts, especially love the blue one, lovely lovely things you have.Congratulations on the award, you deserve it. Riley is surely going to be an early walker.
Hi Alison,
I am glad to hear you and your little guy is feeling much better. My little girl has a cough too and is leaving her horse. Then, she gave it to my second son.
Congrats on the award. That award is going around. I have to post mine also. You deserve it!!
Love your lamp and figurine. Very lovely!!
Hi, Alison,
So glad to hear about Riley! It's awful when the little ones are sick!
Thanks for the note on my blog -- I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Blessings, BILL
So happy to hear that Riley is feeling better.
Glad to hear all is well... Riley is a cutie he is..!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better too
I love that bowl... STUNNING!!
And congrats to all your award winners
Thank you, my sweet alison!!! I'll post it later today. I've been diligent in cleaning the house today. Tomorrow I "attack" the laundry since hubs is saying he's running out of "knickers" as they say in other parts of the world. I'd say he's running out of "undies" but hey, that's just me! So tomorrow he gets clean undies!
Smoochies for little Riley, honey,
Glad to hear you two are feeling better!
Congrats on your awards!
Your Riley is adorable!!
Glad that y'all are feeling better!
The pinks and greens are so pretty.. the roses are so sweet and I love the lamp too.
Have a Blessed Weekend!
Glad Riley is up and about again. My nephew also likes that tv show :-)
Glad the baby is better! :D Love the pink and green!
Thanks Alison for the award!! That is so sweet of you to think of me! I'm glad you and Riley are getting better!! He looks so cute walking around everything. It won't be long now!
Hi! cute baby!
visit me anytime...
It'd be so much easier if they could just tell us, "mom it feels like ____ and it hurts right here _____"!! Glad you're both doing better. Blessings... Polly
so glad the baby is doing better - i was feeling a little worried!
I am so bad at stopping by to visit anyone and I know it is a bloggers responsability to do it but I am so tangled up in making my blog over and tryin to give everything away I forget... sooo I am here to say that I will promise to be a good blogger and make my visits..!!ok now that I have done that I can focas on other items of intrest!!...I love the award it is so special and would love to give it to alot of ladies!!!
Hopefully this will be the last of the sickness for Riley. It has been a long haul!
OMG Alison, so many awards. Congratulations on them all, and thank you for your kind words. I am so glad to see that you and Riley are better. Every time I popped by I saw that you two were still sick. Riley is adorable. Karen
congrats on your award! That dish is beautiful. Pink and green is soooo lovely.
I am so sorry to hear that you and Riley were sick. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Congratulations on your blog award. Have a wonderful weekend.
I'm sorry you & riley were sick! congrats on your wonderful awards though. These should make you feel better Alison! Mid-winter there? I fell for you as I hate the winter months here in new england. right now it's 92 degrees & I LOVE it! LOL! feel better! xo chris
Hi Alison - thanks for visiting. How amazing Riley has grown so fast and he is a real goer up trying to walk at 9 months! See you soon, Mel xxx
Thanks Alison for the award!
Glad little Riley is on the mend, it's heart breaking when they're unwell.
I love your photos, yes isn't it dreary here at the moment
I have a mantra today~~~~ with a pounding head cold I find such comfort here.
..sigh...sniff...sneeze "dress" over at cityfarmer~~~
Hi Alison, so glad your sweetie is doing better. He is so cute standing there in the photo. Congrats on the award.
Lovely pictures too.
Blessings, Celestina
la rea rose
I cannot believe Riley is walking around things - he is still so little! Mine weren't even crawling until they were 10 months old! He is adorable.
Pink and green is good together!!!
Congratulations on your awards! Much deserved!! Hope Riley is feeling better!
Have a fabulous day.
Sandy :)
Hi Alison, poor Riley, my Princess suffers ear infections also. I can't believe he is walking and so early too, clever boy!!! We have Night Garden on morning TV also!!! I love that pink and green bowl, just gorgeous:) Take Care, Keep Well - Rachaelxo
Congrats on getting not one, not two but three awards. Very well deserved. It looks like it won't be long before Riley is off on his own two feet. What joy!
That little guy is way too cute! :)
Have a great day
Just stopping by to see your blog...I missed everyone for pink and green.
Love that china dish and lid....Very pretty.
Have a great week!
Alison I am so glad to hear that you and your lil man are feeling better!
I love that pink n green bowl!
Wow its sooooo pretty!
Have a fun week,
Alison, those pics take me back to days long past - they grow up too fast :(
I have an thing for pink and green, too. One day, I'll go through my photo files (you can't even imagine how big this is, but many are copyright-- and not by me) and post some pix.
Hope you are both feeling better. My mom has come down with pneumonia and I've grounded in order to take care of her. Got my hands full but traveling bloglandia is a great distraction.
Hi Alison, congrats on this great deserve it.
It's good to hear both of you are feeling better. Hugs, Linda
Glad to hear that you and Riley are over the hump of sickness.
Hi Alison,
Glad to hear everyones health is improving - those ear infections are no fun.
Congrats on the awards - well deserved.
Thanks so much for the award sweetie!! Just what I needed to put a smile on my face!! Ive got this yukky cold virus going around and an ear infection just to top it off!! AHH!!
Take care
Your pink and green is fabulous Alsion! Glad to hear you are feeling better :)
Congrats on the awards Alison!!
Glad baby is doing a bit better!
Congrats! That lamp is great! Jen R
I am glad your feeling better! hope little man gets 100% better too!! Congrads on your awards you are one loved blogger! you always come by to visit everyone and always have something sweet and nice to say! Pink and Green are two of my fav. colors! hugs
I love your rose! In California we can grow them pretty much all year around. I have maybe 100 roses and I love them all!
Riley is a prodigy to be walking so young!
I hope you stay well.
Hiya Alison,
How are you guys all feeling now??
Hope Riley is much better..i cant believe he is 9 months old already! he is such a sweet little man .
Love that pink and green bowl, never seen anything like it before.
Hope youre having a great weekend.
Love Shann x
Congratulations on your award Alison! Your little grand baby just gets sweeter every time you show him!
oooooohhhhh-i hope you all get better- i so want to share a coffee with you-love jo.
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