Sunday, 13 April 2008



What a week it was in Port Macquarie!!

For the first time in the 3 years we have been going to Port Macquarie for the Ironman the weather was terrible. No sunshine!!!!! Boo, hiss, plenty of rain!!!
After telling family what a wonderful holiday destination it was at Ironman time we were so disappointed for them all. We had said we will be at the beach every day – not so this time. Oh well, we can’t control the weather.
The trip up was fun.
Check out my side mirror to see the trail of cars behind me.
Our own little convoy.
The day we left we stopped for lunch at a park.
Here are our 4 cars parked side by side. Mine has the bike and luggage Pod on top
We slept the first night at a motel in Wahroonga NSW. Not so easy to get 4 motel rooms.

Sunday was the big event.
Up at 4.30am and at the race venue by 5.15am. When we got there it poured.
It was raining oh so heavily.
By the start of the race 6.30am it was not raining.

Nervous anticipation

Daniel helping Max with the zipper on the wetsuit.

Imagine battling through all of these bodies to try and swim.

Out of the water 1 hour 20 minutes later and you have to find your bag in this lot

There he is in the white top, with the blue cap up near the middle of the marquee.
After a quick change in the marquee it is off on the bike

Here he is after 6 hours 1 minute out on the road.

Another quick change and he is off running .

Nearly done.
Oh dear it is so tough out there after running for 4 hours 27 minutes.
I was relieved when he finished the race after 11 hours and 48 minutes.

On the Tuesday afternoon Ryan asked Max’s permission to ask Amy to marry him.
They went out to dinner while the rest of the gang stayed back at the
appartment and babysat Riley.
He even went down on bended knee!! Sweet.
Everyone was so excited and happy for them.
After 5 years of being together they finally got engaged.


bluemuf said...

Hi Alison, What an adventure you and your family had, fun and rain, more fun and rain. But hey, the fun outshines to rain. Your hubby did well being out there almost 12 hours. He must have been exhausted when he finished.

Congratulations on your daughter engagement. What fun you will have helping to plan the wedding.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your daughter's engagement. What an amazing event, I can't even imagine doing anything for eleven hours, no less something that took so much endurance and strength. Congratulations to him too. Blessings, Karen

Gail McCormack said...

Welcome back Alison
Congratulations to exciting!!! and of course a big congratulations to The Mad Max, I honestly don't know how he does it, it's beyond my comprehension. Bad luck about the weather, I think anyone living in Northern NSW will vouch for the bad weather over the past little while. Now the question is will Max be in training for next year's Iron Man Race?
Looking forward to our coffee

Jodie said...

hurray for Max- I would be kapoot after 11 minutes!
Congrats on the engagement - how much fun will you have planning a wedding?

Natasha Burns said...

Oh my goodness I'm exhausted just looking at the pics! What an amazing achievement! Go Max!!! Such a shame about the weather for you.
Oh and what a lovely thing Ryan did, congrats to Amy!

Donna Layton said...

Oh how fun! Your daughter is getting married and gosh, tell him I am in complete awe. I get winded just walking to the mailbox.

love.boxes said...

Hooray for Max! Hooray for Amy! What an exciting week! Now you'll be planning a wedding so that will be so much fun!

cherished*vintage said...

Hi Alison! Welcome back! A big hooray to Max - great job! And congrats to Amy and Ryan! How fun to start the wedding planning. Despite the weather, sounds like a fun time was had by all on the trip.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Sorry to hear about the rain but congratulations on your daughters engagement! What lovely news.

I haven't forgotten about my ATC challenge and will be blogging about that soon

Victoria x

Charmingdesigns said...

Wow, what makes a person want to run and run and run??lol Congrats to the engaged couple!! Thanks for coming by!! Laurie


It looks like you had lots of fun with your family Alison. Congratulations on your daughters engagement.
Thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog.


Cami said...

The ironman! Wow! How very cool! My 12 yr old son is running marathons now. Starting w/ 5K's. He's down to just under 24 mins and still trying to get it down. He's only in 6th grade, but he's a beast. We're all running (some walking!) the breast cancer race in our area in a couple of weeks. And congrats on your good news. How special!

S said...

Hello Alison,
CONGRAT to Amy and Ryan.
Well done Mad Max!!!

Amy said...

awww that's so cool - they're engaged! The weather from the look of your photos looks great, compared to what we've been having though which is non stop pelting rain :-)

vintage girl at heart said...

Way to go Max!!! He is amazing!!! Glad y'all had fun and glad to have you Back!!! Congrats on the engagement too!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow- great post Alison. What a drive that Mad Max has! lol

p.s. Congrats to Amy and Ryan! :)

Deb said...

What a wonderful time you had! congratulations to Max - 11 hours... fantastic. And congratulations on the engagement :-}

Lori said...

Congratulations on the engagement!! Sorry your weekend was a wet one! I can't believe how anyone can endure so much!! Hubby sure is something!! Se you soon, Lori

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Congrats to Max. I couldn't even walk for 11 hours, much less run. Wow! Congrats to your daughter on her engagement too. Exciting times for your family.

Tara said...


Wow--he did it! Isn't that great and how nice to have all that loving support frmo all of you! BRAVO!


Sugar Bear said...

Three cheers to Max! How fabulous. I'm truly in awe. Congrats on your daughter's engagement!

Peta said...

Congratulations to Ryan and Amy. And your hubbs is super fit, congrats to him as well!

Anonymous said...

What a weekend for you and your family. Way to go Mad Max and congratulations to your daughter and her fiance.


ThePeachTree said...

Looks like you guys had a fantastic time! The shot of the marina is gorgeous :)

Sandra Evertson said...

Wow, very cool!
Sandra Evertson

Linda said...

Max is amazing! Great job and under difficult conditions.
I am happy for your's going to fun planning for the wedding. Hugs, Linda

Artifax said...

Over 11 hours -- whoa! What an amazing achievement!! Yeah for Max!!

And congrats to the happy engaged couple!!

Lina said...

Hey Alison!! How wonderful, congrats on the engagement!!! Max looked like he was having a great time! Sorry about the terrible weather though, but sounds like many wonderful memories were made in spite of the wet weather!

The French Nest said...

Congratulations on your daughter's engagement, and to your husband for finishing the marathon despite the terrible weather!


Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Allison,
Thank you for the sweet comments in my blog. Much appreciated.
I see your journey was not quite as much fun as you would have liked with the rain however nothing beats being with family and the engagement sounds wonderful. They must be very sure after five years and that is soooo good. Happy days to you all.

Dede Warren said...

Ohhh I am so happy for you all. A new addition to the family to fill your hearts with more love! Congrats to you all, especially the happy couple!

Joy Jones said...

Hi Alison! I found you through Cindys Romantic Home...what an exciting adventure you had...and such beautiful photos too! I enjoyed your blog! xo ~ Joy J.

Nora Lee said...

First of all congratulations to Max, what a awesome job! I can't even imagine the hard work that was. And an upcoming wedding, wow! You have a lot to look forward to.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Congrats on your on special Ironman's accomplishments! And on your daughter's engagement, too! Wow, so much excitement in one trip!!!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Ally Jay said...

Congratulations all round

Elle Jay Bee said...

My hubby does triathlons, but he dreams of being able to do an Ironman!! Eleven hours of racing...ack!! I am struggling to train for a 5km race in June. I am in awe of Max!!

Congrats to you and your family on your daughter's engagement. How exciting!


The Apron Queen said...

What a sweet story. I'm in awe of anyone who can do those Ironmans!

For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.

Mosaic*Queen said...

Wow!!! What an exciting couple of days!!!
I am always so impressed with the endurance that the ironman participants possess. Congrats to your hubby!
And congrats to your daughter!



Michelle Frae Cummings said...

congratulations on the engagement and the race! you must be exhasted now and completely happy!

Rosemary said...

Wow Alison,
What a time you all had. Sorry the weather was bad.
Congrats on the engagement!!!

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Congratulations on your daughter's engagement! 11 + hours oh my - I would have passed out after about 2!
Have a wonderful week.
Sandy :)

kari and kijsa said...

Congratulation on a successful race for hubby and a fabulous new son-in-law to be!!!
have a wonderful day!

kari & kijsa

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Alison,
I was exhausted just reading this post, wow - what a wonderful achievement for your husband. And congratulations on the engagement as well!
Happy Day,

Sea Dream Studio said...

Love your blog!!!

Kathy said...

Good to see you again...And thanks for our sneak peek into your adventure. Love the pics...

blessings said...

Awww... that's so sweet! And Max must have been wiped out. I've always wondered... what do the spouses do while the participants are running, swimming, etc.? Blessings.. Polly

bj said...

OH, WOW...what an exciting event. I'm sorry it rained but it seems everyone still had a good time.
Congrats on the daughter's engagement.
hugs, bj

Rose Garden Romantic said...

Wow! Way to go, Max!! What an amazing feat to finish that race! Congratulations to your daughter on her engagement!

Secondhandrose said...

I just found your blog. What a great feat he has accomplished. Congratulations. Come for a visit.

juliaD said...

Hi Alison,
Thanks for your visit and kind cooments...
Conrats on your daughters engaement, mine's finally set the wedding dat, for Dec this its all systems go to organise...
But it is a happy time for mother & daughter...just think you'll ber a M.O.B.!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the weather, but anyone that can finish that race is a winner! I hope he knows that. I admire that kind of determination. Congratulaions on the engagement. That must have made things feel sunny!!

Free Art Printables said...

Glad to have you back!!! Congrats sna what a great time! You guys have had some big adventures!
Thnaks for stopping by for avisit... it's funny. I finished my girls room adn my oldest was like "but it's not pink..." Oh well :)
Jen R

Rosy Inspiration said...

Wow! Your hubby must be fit, I reckon he's fitter than I, and I'm only thirty something. I probably would've died! Sounds like you had fun even though the weather wasn't the best. The important thing is you made very good family memories.Congratulations for the good news.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison,
I have seen your comments on many of the same blogs I am on and so I thought I just needed to pop on over and introduce myself. I too love pink and shabby chic. Please stop by sometime.

LeAnn :)

{oc cottage} said...

What a memorable and exciting trip! Triathletes are such an amazing group!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Congrats on your daughters engagement! And congrats to your hubby for doing the iron man! Wow!

Unknown said...

Wow... how exciting, an engagement! I look forward to the day -- but I think I'll have a while to go.

Yes, it's tax day in the US. April 15th is the deadline to turn in 2007 forms. We did that a couple of weeks ago. We're self-employed, though, so we have to do quarterly estimated tax payments, too. Aren't we lucky?

You must be really proud of your dh! Mine did an Olympic tri a few years ago and a couple of 'tag team' tri's. Enjoyed them but doesn't spend enough time training to keep it up.

Unknown said...

Max did extremely well, that is so long and far!
Congats to you all, a new son-in-law on the way!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allison, I can only imagine this feat that Max accomplished. You must be so proud of him and congratulations on the engagement. What fun! ~ Lynn

Michelle said...

What a trip! Welcome home..

Congratulations on the engagement -- wedding planning, so fun!


Anonymous said...

k...I'm exhausted just looking at him in the pictures! :) Looks like a great time....And Congratulations on the engagement!!!

Unknown said...

Hello Alison, we also had a few cold and wet days at the coast...more cold than wet really. Just a few showers. We rarely go away because we like being at home so much so it was a little sad that the kids couldn't swim much.
Good on Max! I'm always in awe of anyone who is THAT fit. I can't imagine being able to keep going that long!
How wonderful for your daughter. I think there is a very exciting time ahead with all the preparations, etc.
Wishing you a happy day Alison, Angela.

Lu Lu's Fluffy Ruffles said...

What a wonderful trip I hope to get to Australia one day.

Dena said...

Oh my goodness, what an amazing accomplishment! I wouldn't last ten minutes :P Congrats on your daughter's engagement!!


Betty said...

Oh my goodness! Your hubby is an Ironman! I will never complain about my four miles walks again! Well, I probably will but I'll try hard not too.
So, you're going to have a wedding soon! How fun!

Michelle said...

I am so impressed that your man does these things! Sorry it rained!

Becky Bunn said...

Congrats to Max. And to you for being his biggest fans.
Congrats to Amy and Ryan

Adla said...

what a wonderful trip you guys took...cheers to Max for completing the challenge, it really looked tough! Congrats to Amy on her engagement... down on bended knees is soo vintagely romantic :)

Cape Cod Washashore said...

This post is so filled to the brim with wonderful news! What a joyous time for everyone!!! Congratulations to your hubby and daughter (and you!)!

MJ Ornaments said...

Hi Alison,
Wonderful accomplishment for your husband. And congratulations on your daughter's engagement. You'll have great fun planning for it. Take care, Martha

A Romantic Porch said...

Oh How wonderful! Congratulations to Amy and Ryan. And how awesome for Max to do the Ironman. That is incredible! xoRachel

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

Wow - great job Max!! - and congrat's to Amy & Ryan! - sounds like a great time away (except for the weather)

Jeanne said...

It was great to see the pics from the ironman race. What an accomplishment that was. Congratulations on Ryan and Amy's engagement! My daughter is getting married this year too!