Thursday, 24 January 2008


While I was hanging out my washing on Tuesday I thought how pretty my favourite Pierre De Ronsard Rose was. It is a bit lost to everyone else as I am the only one that hangs out the washing. It is such a pretty climber going over two arches against the fence. Still it makes me smile as I hang out the washing

I thought I would take a couple of photos then come in and get my secateurs and cut some to take inside. As usual something distracted me – who knows what it was I can’t remember.

Love this little statue near my clothes line as well
So to cut a long story short I picked some today and put them in my favourite spot. I see them every time I come out of my bedroom, through the front door or go into my lounge room.

Amy thought 3 month old Riley needed something cute for the Hollywood Glamour 21st Party on Saturday night. Of course she wasn’t doing it, I was. Had to put my thinking cap on for that one.
So I bought a little long sleeve legless suit (I think you girls in the good old USA call them onesies!!)I made a little bow tie out of some ribbon and attached it just below the neckline, then added some little black buttons.
It still looks like it needs something and I was thinking about adding black ribbon like this! What do you think? Only trouble is it won’t stretch once I add it. I guess he only has to wear it for one night so it doesn’t really matter. After the party I can just take it all off and he can wear the suit. All he needs now is a little pair of black pants and socks. Too cute.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alison,
I just adore the suit you are making for Riley. He will be the hit of the party!!!
No wonder you got sidetracked whilst hanging out the washing. They are just GORGEOUS, what a display they make.
I hope your son & his girlfriend are going OK out on their own.
Hope you have a great week, chat soon.
Love & Hugs,
Sarah xx

Lori said...

Alison, the tuxedo onesie you are making for Riley is so so so cute!!! he will be just adorable:)
your roses are so gorgeous, what a wonderful color they are and the blossoms look so romantic and sweet!!!

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

LOVE THOS ROSES! And how creative is the onesie?????? (Yep, I'm American!)

Amazing. I simply think this whole blogging thing is a great idea! I love to see what everyone comes up with and I'm always amazed!

Thanks for showing!

~ Jillian

Jessi Nagy said...

those roses are fabulous! gorgeous!!!
and that little tux. so cute!!!!

Merci-Notes said...

How cute!
Now that is a comfy tux!
Very nice work!

I love that you can hang out your laundry to dry AND Brighten too! My Mom could do this during the summer.

Your roses are so beautiful!!!! AH the scent..I can imagine is lovely! Have a great SUMMER DAY!

With Kindness,

Bristol said...

Oh what a cute idea for Riley to wear. He will be getting a lot of attention~~ the roses are beautiful. Makes me long for the start of Spring.

Lori said...

Alison, What beautiful roses! Gosh I would gladly hang out laundry by those!! If I did here now they would be frozen and full of snow!!! The onsie looks adorable with the black trim! Take care and enjoy the warmth for me! Lori

Sugar Bear said...

The roses are gorgeous! I love that little tux - I like the addition of the ribbon. It gives it the perfect extra umph.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Your roses are gorgeous! I am very jealous!

You are very clever embellishing that lil very dapper he will be!

Sadie Lou said...

I LOVE those roses!! OH my goodness gracious!
Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us.
I have a painted thumb--but it's not green--plants tremble in fear in my presence.

bluemuf said...

Oh Alison, the little outfit is so cute. Also, your roses are perfection.


Fete et Fleur said...

OM Goodness! Do all roses look like this where you live? They are the epitome of beauty!!

I love the little shirt you’re making for your sweet one. It's perfect for the celebration.

Hugs! Nancy

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

One thing I miss when my Mom lived near by was her green thumb for roses. We always had them growing.Now she lives in the desert where they don't thrive. I have 2, a double delight for me and a Mr. Lincoln in honor of my Mom's dad. The next rose with be a lavendar one cause that's my Mom's favorite!

I also love the little out fit you are making! you should list some extra's on etsy!

Free Art Printables said...

Wow I am so jealous~! Everything is so green and pink and fresh looking. It is so cold and desolate here! Thanks for posting those pictures, they warmed me up!
Jen R

Michelle said...

What a great idea! It will be adorable!

blessings said...

I like it with the ribbon. I always love the details =) Blessings.. POlly

Pear tree cottage! said...

Hello Alison, what a charming blog you have I am so pleased I "dropped in" today for a visit.

We live in the same state & I love this sunburnt country especially when a huge Antique fair is about to arrive this Australia day weekend just 20 mins away (smiles), but also because I may never have known a lovely lady with adorable grand children who loves Roses had it not been for our blogs! and that is a very good thing.

I will visit again I am very sure. enjoy the long weekend
Best wishes Lee-ann

Jodie said...

I like the ribbon as well, the whole thing is very cute. He will steal the show!

SweetAnnee said...

Oh those roses are GORGEOUS
I love the look , the color
and oh I bet they smell divine.

What a SWEET suit..Riley will be
so darling in it..Be sure to
share a pic of him in it!!!

fondly, Deena

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What an adorable shirt for Riley! Sooo cute!

Love your roses too, do they have a wonderful fragrance?

Michelle said...

Your roses are breath taking! I wish I had some right now :( That tuxedo you are creating is adorable.


david mcmahon said...

G'day from a fellow Aussie,

There's nothing better than great roses in the garden!

Tara said...


What a great idea in the little tux, so simple yet wonderful! I am jealous you are seeing is so cold in New York and stark, thanks for sharing some beauty!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Cute little suit!!!! So creative!

Those roses are just wonderful! They are huge!


Deb said...

Oh those gorgeous roses!
The little suit you are making for Riley is adorable :-} what a creative idea!

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful.

That is the absolute cutest way to dress up a onesie. Just adorable! Great idea.

Katrina Chambers said...

Hi Alison, that suit is so cute! You are clever to think of that!! Make sure you take lots of photos of him in it :)

Sarah said...

Alison, those roses are divine!!

Anonymous said...

The roses are stunning! Hollywood look out!

Gail McCormack said...

I seriously want some of your roses Alison...oh they are beautiful. I love little Riley's suit, yes go for the ribbon edging, defintely more class for a 3 month old boy! What night did you say you were going out...hmmm?? just thinking I could sneak around and snip some of those roses...Have a wonderful night out and don't forget some photos for us

Unknown said...

How adorable, he will look gorgeous!!!
Love those roses, can almost smell them from here!!What a lovely view whilst doing domestics!!

Gail McCormack said...

Thanks Alison, I would love to catch up we keep saying, the roses will be a bonus, have you noticed how crazy it is down here this weekend?

Just Between Us Girls said...

Dear Allison,
I think the shirt is perfect just the way you have it at first. How clever you are. You could sell onesies like this. Your roses are breathtaking. Do you every dry them? Easy enough to do. Then you can have them for an art project or potpourri. Thank you for your comments. I always welcome them and you.
Happy Friday.

Annie said...

Great photos of the rose - is it Pierre?? Loved the music too

Nunnie's Attic said...

Well Alison - I'm totally jealous! I am hating winter right now with more gumption than you can imagine. But at least I can bask in your sunlight and flowers.


Unknown said...

Yep, cute onesie! I loved looking at your roses. Here in Northern California we're lookin' at snow! We're supposed to get 4" of rain here in the valley today but we can look up at our mountain and see the snow. Have a great day!

Betty said...

How adorable is that tuxedo shirt!! Your roses are gorgeous as well. I will have to write down that variety and see if we have it here.

Becky Bunn said...

Alison, I hope we get to see how handsome little Riley looks in his onesie tux. Your roses are gorgeous.

Rosemary said...

Beautiful Roses!!!!
The little outfit is adorable.

Gail McCormack said...

Hi Alison, I just came back from garage sales (Saturday morn) it's crazy out there!! Will email you next week for coffee

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes, I like the extra ribbon. How clever of you. I think I would hang my laundry outside too if I had those beautiful roses to see.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Your roses are gorgeous! How wonderful that you can enjoy them as you hang out the laundry! :)

Susan Tuttle said...

Those flowers are a feast for the eyes!

That little suit is turning out just precious!


Michelle M White said...

LOVE those roses!!! Can't wait for my first bloom.

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

cute cute litle shirt. The roses look beautiful. said...

I would want to hang washing all the time if that was what I got to look at. Love the litle tux, think it is kind of cute as is:) Rachael

cherished*vintage said...

Hi Alison!
Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful pictures of your roses! I love the colors! The shirt for Riley is too cute too! Looking forward to seeing pictures from the party!

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

such a cute suit for Riley.... I like the ribbon! Love the roses..oh to smell some roses here would be so nice. :)

xo Heather

Linda said...

Gorgeous roses! Riley is going to look too cute in his little onesie tux. Linda

Anonymous said...

The roses are beautiful and for those of us on the other side of the globe where the temperature outside is 15F absolutely heartwarming!

The French Nest said...

Hi Alison,

The tuxedo onesie you made for Riley is adorable!! And your roses are simply stunning!


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Alison, if I had those roses in my back garden I would be forever outside painting them - just beautiful.

For my vote - add the extra ribbon to the suit.

CatieAn said...

what an adorable suit for RIley!
that is so creative! I LOVE your roses as well.
Sorry I havent emailed in a while but will pick up in a bit and get one out to you soon.

Rose of Sharon said...

What beautiful roses! I am so amazed! I love the cute little outfit for your grandson! He looks so dapper in it!

Dee said...

I absolutely love those roses! I can smell them all the way in Tennessee...and oh, to be able to hang the wash outside. You've put me in a summer mood ;-)
And I love the onesie...he looked totally adorable in it. If I need any clever ideas for my little Allee I am asking you first!
Dee Dee

Dee said...

PS - I was looking through your Flickr photos, and I love that ballerina precious!

Maria said...

Love your roses and Cherub statue. Just fabulous!!

Mosaic*Queen said...

Oh My Goodness!! Those roses are incredible!!!! I want one of those bushes for my yard!
And how Adorable is that onesie tux!!!! Great Job!!!!!

Artifax said...

What a darling little suit for Riley! Too cute! And your roses are just gorgeous! I wouldn't mind doing laundry if I could smell and look at beautiful roses while doing it! :)

Ali said...

Loooove the roses, what a treat and I bet you don't mind haning out the washing nearly as much, being able to look at those pretties. ox Ali

S said...

Riley is going to look so cute in those cloths Alison...cant wait to see him!

Those roses are ooh la la!!! My weapers are looking stunning at the moment!!!

Siobhan xo

blah said...

Oh those ROSES!! Yum alison

zakkalife said...

When I saw the picture above I thought what an adorable baby tux shirt. So you can imagine how delighted I was when I scrolled down to find a tutorial for it. I'll have to bookmark this idea.
