Wednesday, 21 November 2007


Last night (Tuesday) at about 10 to 7 Max got a call from his mother to say that his father Stan was dieing. Stan was diagnosed in February with Lymphoma and had chemo in tablet form. Sadly this treatment turned out to be unsuccessful. His specialist this week took him off the tablets and gave him steroids to build him up to start having chemo through a drip. I now think this man was building false hope in the eyes of Max's parents. The Doctor that came to their home last night said to Max's Mum you know he is dieing don't you. You need to call the family.Well hey no one bothered to tell her before!
In the last month and a half he lost 2 stone (13kg).When we went to visit Max's parents with Amy, Ryan and new baby Riley just 17 days ago we thought he looked very frail. That visit could not have prepared us for what we saw last night at 9.30. So frail and fading - just a tiny little skin covered frame. We can only hope that the morphine he is taking is easing the pain.
It was a long 2 and a half hour drive to their home last night. With sisters in Queensland and Italy as well as Melbourne, we can only hope that he lingers long enough for them to see him before he passes away. I really don't think it would be better for him to linger that long but maybe for Max's sisters.
So I left Max with his mother this afternoon and drove back home to get some more clothes and do some paying of bills. Last night after we got the call we just grabbed our nightwear and toiletries and flew out the door.
I won't be back for a few days so will catch up with everyone then.


Anonymous said...

Alison, we are so very sorry. Your family is in our prayers and thoughts at this sad time. Jenn and Jacqui

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

(((Alison)))) big hugs to you during this difficult time. My own father passed away under similar circumstances a few years ago so understand the difficult times you are going through. Stay strong and do take care of yourself too.

Katrina Chambers said...

Oh Alison, I am so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are with you and your family. I will be checking in again soon to see how you are.

Gail McCormack said...

Oh Alison I'm so sorry to hear this sad news, if in some way I could do something this end as we live in the same town, please let me know, thinking of you all, if you wanted to contact me, through my website would be the easiest for you, maybe I could check on your house...or just anything at all
Gail xoxo

Lori said...

I am so sorry for your family. Sending hugs and prayers to you.

Anonymous said...

Alison, I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. I will be thinking of you and your family at this difficult time.

Kissing of the Frogs said...

Your family will be in my prayers. Blessings, Rose

Amy M. said...

Alison--I am so sorry. We'll be thinking about you and your family and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.


Sugar Bear said...

I'm so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Karla said...

I'm so sorry.

a Pocket Angel said...

Alison, I'm so sorry...You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. I understand what you are going through. God bless you ~Mary~

love.boxes said...

Dear Alison,
I'm so sorry and I'm so sorry for Max. I wish you both peace and comfort during this sad time and hope all the sister can come quickly. Love to you.. Tiffany

Betty said...

Alison, I am so sorry to hear your news. I am sending you prayers of strength and comfort. Bless you and your family.

S said...

Oh Alison,

I am so sorry to hear your news. Just know we are thinking of you and your family and you are all in our prayers.


Michelle said...

Alison, your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Michelle

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Alison sweetie i am sending huge cuddles to you. Please know that we are all thinking of you, Max and all the family at this very sad time.

Take Care sweetpea,
Love Shann xxoo

Natasha Burns said...

Oh Alison I am so sorry to hear this news. You and your family are in my prayers and I hope the morphine is working well. Take care of yourself, Natasha xoox

Anonymous said...

So sorry Allison. Very sad!
Laura and Linda.

Lori said...

Alison, Sweetheart, I'm sorry for the angony he is facing, so sad. I hope he is resting comfortably at least and not in any pain. We'll all be saying an extra prayer for your family, take care dear one, Love, Lori

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you & your family.

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

My prayers are with you and your family Alison. ((((hugs)))

Becky Bunn said...

Alison,I'm so sorry for you and your family. Sending hugs and prayers. Keep yourself well everyone will need you

Anonymous said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you!
have a safe trip.

bluemuf said...

Alison, will keep your and your family in my prayers


nicol sayre said...

Good thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Nicol

Maria said...

Hugs to your family. Im so sorry ,be strong.

Anonymous said...

Alison, I am so sorry to hear such sad news. I will be praying for you and your family.
Blessings. Karen

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

May you draw comfort from all the kind thoughts and prayers of your friends at this trying time in your lives.

Laura Bray said...

My thoughts are with you & your family.

Linda said...

Dear Alison, I'm so very sorry to hear such sad news. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. Linda

Monica-FC said...

so sorry to hear this and be praying for the family as you all are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how it is when a father dies as my dad died 2 years agos. we miss him still but knows he is with God and Happy.Knowing That he is still taking care of us still from there helps as we will meet again when the time right.

dawn said...

alison, i am so sorry to hear of the news.
xoxoxox to you & yours.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Alison, I am so sorry to hear about your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Alison, Sadness fill's my heart at your news.Please find Peace and Calm during this hard time and know that your loved one will always be watching down helping to guide you all through life.Having lost a loved one recently I know how heavy your heart is right now, it does get a little easier but it takes time sweetie.God bless and may he help guide your family through this difficult time. mandii

cherub*wishes said...

Your in my thoughts & prayers.
Hugs, Dionne

Monica said...

So sorry to hear this Allison
I will keep him in my thoughts. Warm wishes to your family and big hugs to you!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Alison, I am so sorry. Cancer is a horrible thing. My prayers are with you and your family.

kari and kijsa said...

We are so sorry to hear this news. Our prayers are with you and your family.

kari & kijsa

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

So sorry to hear this, I'll be thinking of you and checking in another time. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alison,
My thoughts & prayers go to both you & Max. Big hugs.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Oh Alison...I am so sorry...I will be praying for your family...I wish I had popped over here sooner.

Linda said...

Dear Alison, thinking of and you and your family....all are in my prayers. Linda

Barbara Jacksier said...

Dear Alison and Max

My thoughts are with you at this sad time. You can tell from the photo on your blog what a kind soul he was. Hnag in there.
